Assemble all of the ingredients. Check.
Cook the candy. Check.
Spread it out and let it cool. Check.
Break it up into lots of bite-sized pieces. Double check.
Place said bite-sized pieces into goodie bags....
And we're done!!
See - simple, right? Seven hours, fifteen pounds of sugar, eleven packages of peanuts, six bottles of Karo syrup...and 44 individual bags of peanut brittle later. It's a rich tradition filled with love, and many wonderful memories, that I wouldn't trade for the world. Give me another year to rest up, and I'll be ready for the next batch of peanut brittle.
It has become a tradition in my family to make peanut brittle as well as caramels and mints for Christmas every year. There is something very reassuring to me when things are done every year. Your brittle looks absolutely wonderful. God bless.
Thank you, Jackie! God bless you, too, my friend and fellow peanut brittle maker. I completely agree - I love traditions and rituals; they're very comforting.
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