Sunday, October 12, 2008

Workin' for a Livin'

YAHOOOOO!!! Kevin is now back among the fully employed! We are both so excited!

He'd interviewed earlier in the summer for SGUSD; he did not get that job, but we remained hopeful. About three weeks ago we saw another posting for a position at SGUSD; he applied and they called him in to test for the job. Since he'd already tested there earlier for the other position, he called to say that, if they still needed him to test, he'd be happy to do so, but he reminded them that he'd already tested there in June. They pulled the results and told him he was definitely qualified and they'd call him when interviews were being scheduled. This last Wednesday, he interviewed for the job. Friday morning they called and asked if he could come in for a second interview with the principal - which he did. They hit it off and had a great interview! She asked him to 'sound surprised when they call and offer you the job.' Sure enough, about two hours later they phoned from the district and offered him the job - which he gladly accepted. YAY!

Tomorrow morning he will go in to the district office and get all of the paperwork started. We're guessing he'll be starting the position by the end of the week. It's a middle school position similar to mine, but his position is a ten month position whereas mine is eleven. This is wonderful news! It means that we'll both be off all of the same holidays, 2 weeks for the winter break, a week in the spring, and we'll overlap for our summers off. There will be no worries if we can get this time off for vacation, or that time off for a weekend away -- we'll both be off at the same time!! While the pay is a bit less than what he was making before, it's definitely something we can live with -- especially since he'll have wonderful benefits and retirement.

It's been a long few months, and we're so grateful the dry spell is over!! Go Bulldogs!!


Amanda Weir said...

That is great news. Congrats Kevin. And how nice is it going to be with all the same holidays and summer off together. :)

Jackie said...

Congratulations on your husbands new job.

God bless.