Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Soup Love

Ours is the only school district I know that is working today, the day before Thanksgiving. Next year will be different - we will be off the entire week - but this year, we'll we're all grumbling a little bit about having to be here. I know that sounds terrible. I mean, we all love our jobs and are so thankful to have them, but still ... it would have been nice to have had today off.

To make working a bit easier to take today, I suggested to Jeff, Semeen and Linda that we re-create our hot drink bar for the staff. Everyone agreed that it was a good, morale-boosting idea, so we had pumpkin spice latte, chai tea, apple/cranberry spiced cider and hot cocoa. It was the perfect compliment to such a chilly morning.

After we had things set up in the lounge, parents began arriving with their own crock-pots filled with goodies. We weren't aware of it, but apparently they'd planned a staff lunch for us today! There was crock-pot after crock-pot of warm, delicious homemade soup! And a counter filled with a variety of salads and breads.

Mmmm...soup love. There is just something about a nice, warm pot of soup that fills my heart and soul. It makes me feel loved. It's like someone wrapping their arms around you just when you need it most. There were so many to choose from! Corn chowder, vegetable, potato, clam chowder, sausage tortellini, chili bean ... oh my goodness! They all smelled and looked --- and TASTED - so delicious!

A big THANK YOU to our PTSA for loving us with piping hot soup today! We love you right back!

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