Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cleaning ... the Garage, the Laundry Room, the Crafts Area

You know, generally speaking, Kevin and I are both very neat people. We keep a very tidy, orderly house and surroundings. Our cars are clean - we don't junk them up with wrappers and bags and whatnot. And, the reality of it is, I suppose it wasn't *THAT* bad, but for us ... it seemed like the garage, the laundry room and the crafts area had been struck by a cyclone. These last two months or so we've been adding things to these areas, not putting things back where they belong, etc., thinking that we'd clean it up over winter break.

Ya. Good thinking.

Well it took us one full day and the morning of another day, but we finally got it all done! And I have to say, it was totally worth it! It's wonderful to be able to start off the new year knowing that everything is clean and well organized. We were ruthless - we went through things we'd been storing and decided that, if we're not using it now, in all likelihood, we won't be using it in the future, so we donated many things to the Goodwill. Poor Kevin, he took several trips ... I think they're still waiting for him to pull up into the parking lot with more stuff! (We'll give them a little break ... maybe we'll wait until next week to take another load =)

I've been enjoying going out there and just surveying the area. Everywhere I look it's soooo clean and organized - I love it!

Now ... all we have to do is keep it that way!

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