Friday, January 28, 2011

Frugal in so many ways ...

So I've been trying to make myself leave the office at lunch at least a couple of days a week. The last couple of weeks have been crazy and it's good to get out mid-day for a little break.

As it happens, there's a huge Goodwill store just a couple of blocks away so that was yesterday's destination. I looked around and didn't really find much - kind of disappointing really. Then, I thought I'd make a sweep through the housewares department. I'm so glad I did!

Several years ago I bought a stainless steel thermos at Starbuck's. I talked myself into believing it was frugal because, afterall, I'd be saving money by brining my own coffee to work. And to that end, it was frugal. The UN-frugal part is that the darn thing cost $25.00 in the first place! But, buy it I did. And both Kevin and I used it for quite a long time. Over time, though, the coffee creamer and gunk built up in the vacuum seal/pour spout and we ended up throwing it away when we moved to our new place a couple of years ago. I do have another thermos - something similar (but far less costly!) - that I use to tote my coffee (or, okay, hot chocolate!) to work. I don't use it every day, but it's nice knowing I have it when I want it.

Yesterday while looking through the housewares, I spotted it. There - on the shelf right in front of me. Ahhhh, thermos love all over again! It was pink. And perfect. And had never even been used! I picked it up immediately and headed to the check-out. Three dollars - THREE DOLLARS! - and it was mine, all mine. It's scrumptuous! I'm reserving this one for cold water and lemonade (doesn't that just sound perfect for this PINK thermos?!)

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